"We can't explain everything, but our eyes are open!"
All right MARVEL fans! Hello, and welcome to your level 7 clearance of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Files, my column that will be covering all that is going down inside of Marvel's new premier, super secret agency, prime-time heroic show. Marvels’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
which debuted on 09-24 and airs on the ABC network on Tuesdays at 8:00PM and revolves around a group of non-conventional new agents selected by senior agent Phil Coulson to investigate Amazing and Spectacular happenings around the globe in a post Avengers world.
which debuted on 09-24 and airs on the ABC network on Tuesdays at 8:00PM and revolves around a group of non-conventional new agents selected by senior agent Phil Coulson to investigate Amazing and Spectacular happenings around the globe in a post Avengers world.
Thanks to one of my personal favorite producers Joss Whedon. Agent Coulson (whom Whedon had previously killed off in Avengers after a fierce battle with the god of evil Loki and a little trick warmly named "Culsons Revenge") is now alive(?)
For months after The Avengers broke box office records around the world, Marvel's "True Believers" started a “Coulson lives” campaign – convincing Marvel and Joss Whedon to not only bring actor Clark Gregg back to continue playing the role, but to lead his own show titled Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. kicking off a new series of adventures with a team newly sanctioned by Nick Fury himself. (Fury is head of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Right from the start with the pilot episode Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is a runaway high thrills adventure set in the current American/World military and economic atmosphere with the classic twist of Top Secret organizations and billionaire philanthropist who turn out to be villainous despots bent on world conquest or at the least world destruction. Although the story of the pilot was quick and energetic with allot of head turns as the "common man" became first the unsung hero then into the drug raged minor villain we certainly could not say the opening story was too original; not to anyone that has ever read a comic book at least. None the less the show delivered a refreshing "good guy" spin on the classic government spook and even had big brother looking like a pretty viable option by the end of episode 2. Loaded with pop media phrases and fandamonia references the show has no problem poking fun at itself a little while delivering some no nonsense world saving at the same time. With cast members who's characters are supposed to act intuitive towards each other as we work out the kinks in what will be their "well oiled machine" we catch glimpses of actors who seem to be enjoying their roles.

The show also took on its own energy helping to separate it from other shows that could be found similar (Such as Heroes, CSI or Bones) and with his usual Joss Whedon brand enertainment, this "cult phenomenon" producer has brought together yet another cast who already show great chemistry together! With a long history of stellar cast work (Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly as examples) I have no doubt that the mind of Whedon, the wonder of Marvel and the marketing monstrosity that is Disney have a sure fired hit on their hands! (and for those of you that did not know Disney recently purchased Marvel and Lucas Arts....Say it with me folks...WOW!!!)
The Story So Far;
Episode 1 “Pilot” /air date September 24, 2013
Set after the events of The Avengers, Agent Phil Coulson (who survived his apparent death) assembles a small team of agents to investigate a superhuman, Mike Peterson (J. August Richards), who is able to survive an exploding building and a hacktivist group called the Rising Tide that seems to have information. Skye, a member of the Rising Tide, meets with Peterson to warn him about S.H.I.E.L.D., saying that they cover up superhero based events and that she can help him, which he declines. Later, Skye is abducted by Coulson and Ward and questioned on their plane. She does not cooperate initially, but eventually reveals what she knows. It is later revealed that Peterson had been supplied with the Centipede serum (which is made up of alien metal, gamma radiation, the Extremis Virus, and the Super-Soldier Serum) giving him his powers, by an unknown organization that is behind Project Centipede. After visiting the explosion scene, Coulson's team is able to recreate it and learn that it was caused by another subject exploding due to Extremis. While attempting to get info to the team, Skye is kidnapped by Peterson (who is now on the run) and makes her give him a clean slate. Coulson's team is able to track them down and subdue Peterson without him causing mass damage while stopping an assassin that was sent by Dr. Debbie (Shannon Lucio). With Peterson in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody, Coulson offers Skye a place on the team.
Episode 2 “0-8-4” /air date October 1, 2013
Skye is now integrated into Coulson's team as a consultant. Their next assignment is in Peru, tracking a "0-8-4." S.H.I.E.L.D. prefix for "an object of unknown origin." Once there, the team quickly realizes that the object is actually a piece of forgotten HYDRA technology powered by Tesseract energy. Coulson meets with a former ally, Camilla Reyes (Leonor Varela), and brings her team aboard the plane. Later, Reyes betrays Coulson and plans to take the HYDRA weapon for herself so she can destroy the Peruvian rebels. The squabbling team members band together, utilizing each of their talents, and take out Reyes' men. Reyes is taken into custody and Skye receives a text message from another member of the Rising Tide, confirming her allegiance to them. In the final scene, Director Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) scolds Coulson for the damage to the plane and reminds him about the risk Skye poses.- And as for that cast; Lets take a look at our team!!!Phil Coulson
Played by Clark Gregg
A Team With Great Potential:
Clark Gregg is powerful as ever in his reprisal of the agent fanboy who walked tall with the Avengers and fans of all ages have loved him since the first moment he left Stark irritated. From his humorous "shadowy" entrance to his moving speech with the shows first antagonist and his hard knocks leadership style Agent Coulson is already proving to be the heart and shaping focus for the show. (And he still complains over those destroyed Captain America Cards!)
Melinda May:
Played by Ming-Na Wen
- Jemma Simmons: Played by Elizabeth Henstridge
- Skye:
Played by Chloe Bennet -
- Grant Ward:
Played by Brett Dalton - .....Not
Played by Iain De Caestecker
mere background characters: each team member has a specialist trait they bring to the team (as with any good Sci-Fi/action team)
- Grant Ward is your top notch one man military unit and has the skill to back it up as it was remarked he had the highest passing scores for entry to S.H.I.E.L.D. since Romanov. (aka The Black Widow)
- Melinda May is a legend in her own time much like Agent Coulson and has the notoriety of having been part of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Calvary, that being the special division which travels aboard the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier.
- Skye is the teams wild card, bringing street savvy and outside the box thinking to assist her other strengths of being a world class hacker and activist!
- And we cannot forget about the "Fitz'Simmons" or Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons although to see the two in action in their many varied respected fields you begin to understand rather quickly why there names become synonymous when they are at work.
Maybe its just me but I feel a definite tie in coming in future episode looking back on the S.H.I.E.L.D. teams of yesteryear and our current rosters predecessors. Perhaps even a look back at Nick Fury and his early war comics with the "Howling Commandoes" (not to be confused with Marvels current team filling out that roster who are all currently actual "Howling Monsters")
Mobile Tactical Headquarters: The team keeps the stakes high in their plush, ultra-tech personnel plane! The CXD-23; (Coulsons plane actually) while having its own fully stocked lounge area and what appears to be a library and kitchen, a lab, holding cells and several team member bunks it also sports a powerful control console and communications array.
And don't worry all you true believers out there; not only does the show make constant remarks to other points in Marvel, it seems the show intends to stay mostly in-cannon with what marvel's mainstream movies are doing. Already talking much about the Avengers, Thor and of course Tony Stark "The Invincible Iron Man" we have also heard mention of Captain America, Dr. Erskine (creator of the Super Soldier Formula) and the release of Extremis on an unsuspecting world. (Extremis is the partial brainchild of Tony Stark and a new concept on the Super Soldier Program) Also the show has given account of the involvement of HYDRA and the possibility of (spoiler alert!) Graviton! They even mentioned "Tales of Suspense!"
This show has it all if what you want is a fast paced, action packed, Ultra-Science, Good guys gotta win romp! And I do mean Ultra-Science these guys are using stuff that would put shows like Eureka and Fringe to shame; just take a look at this link to see some of "FITZSIMMONS ARMORY" for some of the more common toys. We should also mention the new sci-tech every episode and of course there's always whatever the bad guys bring to play! Plus the show is highly informative on what makes up delicate operations in clandestine situations.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D is putting an adventurous and positive spin on Americas current interest in foreign fields and world peace organizations. Along with easing our curiosity of vast new technologies and fields of science, Agents of SHIELD is prepped to give us one "Made in the Marvelous Style" look behind the scenes at one of many possible "what If" scenarios inside the world of espionage and global security. Granted, this version of reality comes equipped with caped and cowed heroes and mysterious hidden villainy, but hey, that makes for a great show!
Foreign viewers will get a chance to see American secret forces under a positive light that uses compassion and world scope as mediators to the shows heroic actions. The show promotes an image of American government that still cares and is still fighting the good fight both at home and abroad, even when we don't know it! This show could be a tremendous force for re-instilling Americas and the worlds belief in its protectors if it catches well. I for one know I will be tuning in every Tuesday night in belief that we can always find a better way! MAKE MINE MARVEL! EXCELSIOR!!!
On the other hand, there is always a critic or two. Here is what some of those critics had to say about ABC's new prime time show.
Scott Meslow of Vulture.com came to the table criticizing our good friend Phil saying;
"And while we're on the subject, Coulson is Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s strongest link to the film series that spawned it, and there's a reason he's become such a fan-favorite character: His capable, ironic, slightly detached professionalism offered a nice human break from all the superheroics. But those cinematic appearances served as little more than cameos, and it's clear from the first two episodes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. that the show's grasp on the character is flimsy at best. Coulson worked perfectly as a small side dish in the films, but if he's going to be the main course in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., he'll need a little more flavor and a lot more consistency as a character. Vague references to a past love affair and a collection of spy gadgets aren't going to cut it."
Input from a group calling itself the A.V. Club from Heavy.com only chided the show for being better that the competition;
"For better or worse, Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the best network drama pilot of the fall, but that’s mainly because so many of the other network drama pilots don’t even seem to be trying. There’s good stuff in S.H.I.E.L.D.; there are also things that feel curiously muted and cautious."
Reflecting on S.H.I.E.L.D. in the Media:
The story so far has went to great lengths to show the positive aspects of a benevolent and trustworthy "Big Brother" form of government as I mentioned before although there is little of "Orwellian" notions here beyond the constant surveillance of the "Watchmen." Instead both the show and its media add base seem to be trying to cast the best light possible on American engineering and technologies as nearly the entire consistency of the adds placed throughout the show are base around American Ideology of "tried tough and true" with there repetition of Ford Truck adds and there "Built ford Tough" motto along with specifying new fuel economy standards. (a definite use of "plain-folk mentality with a little Bandwagon tossed in to stay buying American) And a distinct add set for cutting edge tech mainly focused on various cell phones like "Droid Max" by Motorola and the "Droid Ultra" (worked in so well to the media/show blending that one begins to believe that having the tech could make you an Agent, classy and tech savvy like good old Tony Stark himself. This form of add appeal has a definite "snob-appeal" but also lends a little to "hidden fear" tactics as one might think they are being left behind by the newest wave of technological wonder) but this is hardly all of the angles attempted by add companies during this show to integrate their message into their target interest groups; which it seems for this show are teen to 30 something tech savvy "Suburbia Hipsters" with a smaller target group being the "Common Man Family" and concepts of strong national and personal morals. The adds groups have also streamlined Frigidaire and Electrolux refrigerators into the adds banking on the teams headquarters decor to to catch on with its viewers. (while this form of add persuasion could be viewed as bandwagon I think more to the point this is a form of association principle in trying to link your refrigerator to a prosperous and happy family) Sounds to me like the people behind Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D know how to find their Niche! I know to my shame that after having watched the show I began to want a Droid! Lol!
Want some more great facts on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D check out these links;
And as always, The Detractors;
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